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Webster Primary Center

Where Happy Cardinals Fly Together

Library Information

The Library Media Center is a welcoming place where students learn to:
Love literature.
Use the many information sources available to them.
Use media to help them understand their world.

Here are some of the skills we will cover during weekly library lessons:
Library Procedures
Book Care
How to Select a Book
Sections of the Library
Locating Books
Introduction to Reference Resources

When do students visit the Library?
The Library is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Students are welcome in the library during these hours.
First Graders visit the library once a week for a lesson and to check out books.
Second Graders visit the library every other week for a lesson and to check out books.

How many books can I check out?
First Graders may check out 3 books at a time.
Second Graders may check out 5 books at a time.
Parents may check out 5 books.

When are books due?
Materials are checked out for two weeks at a time and can be renewed for an additional week. Students must bring the book that they wish to renew into the library to renew the book.

What happens if I have an overdue book or a lost/damaged book?
Lost books must be paid for in order to clear student records and allow them to check out another book. Students will be asked to send money for lost and damaged items depending on the repair or replacement cost. Cash is only accepted for payment. If a book is found before a replacement book has been purchased, your money will be refunded.
If a student has overdue materials, his or her borrowing privileges will be suspended until the overdue materials are returned. Students do not need to wait until their "library day" to renew or check out books.
If a parent has overdue materials, their child will no longer be allowed to check out until the overdue items are returned.

When is a good time for parents to check out books?
You may contact Kendra Headrick to set up a time at: or 417-673-6060
Remember--for school safety reasons, always check into the office before coming to the library.